Victory & Minneapolis 2040

Minneapolis 2040 will be a comprehensive plan that shapes how the City of Minneapolis grows and changes over the next two decades. City staff have spent the last several months drafting a plan that aims to help all of its current and future residents thrive. The plan was developed, in part, using feedback provided by residents and business owners in Minneapolis and addresses issues like housing, job access, the design of new buildings, and how streets are used.

Some components of the draft plan have been met with controversy, especially around the issue of rezoning single family residential areas as a means to increase population density. Rezoning in parts of Victory is proposed in Minneapolis 2040, and although the full redevelopment of those areas by the plan’s conclusion is unlikely, it is prudent to examine the proposed changes.

Some rezoning items included in the draft plan that may be noteworthy to Victory’s stakeholders include:

  • The Penn Avenue/Osseo Road and 44th Avenue corridors would be designated as Corridor 4, allowing for buildings up to four stories in height.

    Proposed Built Form for Victory.
  • Streets adjacent to the Penn Avenue/Osseo Road and 44th Avenue corridors would be considered Interior 3, allowing up to three story single and multi-family buildings.
  • The Victory Prairie and Dog Park are not identified in the plan and in its current form, production facilities would be permitted on those sites.
  • The 4700 block of Xerxes Avenue, located across the street from Ryan Lake Park, would be zoned Interior 3 and Corridor 4, allowing for construction of buildings up to three and four stories in height.
  • Areas between Thomas and Penn Avenue adjacent to Victory Memorial Parkway, would be designated as Corridor 4 and allow for buildings up to four stories in height.

Residents of Minneapolis are asked to provide their thoughts on the draft plan. To review and comment, we encourage you to use the following resources:

12 thoughts on “Victory & Minneapolis 2040”

  1. Marya Anderson

    No no and no. Penn and Ossetia roadall ready congested. Most drivers drive way to fast around the curve. Putting housing with families I think we are waiting for an accident. I am one of the many dog park visitors. This is the only one in N Mpls . Victory is a very dog friendly area. It feels like a punishment because we choose to have dogs. Why now do we have to have buildings in a residential area? There are establish apt buildings on Thomas ave . Why are we required to have more? It’s not always about the tax dollars. Yes larger buildings bring in more property dollars but what about good neighbors? A community and dedicated homeowners? If you remove most of what brought people to a neighborhood they will leave and may leave the city all together.

  2. These three corridors are already difficult to travel, and sometimes just plan unsafe. I am sure others will agree they are poorly monitored for unsafe conditions.
    I understand the need for higher density housing. However the jump from primarily story and a half single family homes to 4 story apartments kills the family home environment of the area. I for one will most likely move my family from the area we have appreciated for several decades.
    Also, total loss of the dog park seems unnecessary. Is it the best location or area for such a park, no. At least it’s something, and many don’t have another option any where near by.

  3. The only problem I see with this is you know that since it is North Minneapolis, all those 3 and 4 story structures will become low income housing. And more low income housing is the last thing North Minneapolis needs.

  4. Dillon Richardson

    No to this plan. My wife and I just moved her from South Minneapolis and we didn’t intend on seeing it become what we tried to get away from. Increasing density also increases crime and we struggle with police routes as it is.

  5. Carl Nordstrom

    Just like most of my neighbors that I have talked to regarding this are angery but not surprised that most of us are onlt hearing of this now only hours before the dead line. I want to state my opposition to this for the record and would/will vote against this every chance I get. This is a good and close knitt, familt oriented community. The dog park and victory prairie are neighborhood staple for many of us. The community has worked very hard to clean up, improve and establish Ryan Lake and Ryan Lake park and it seems like this would be a major step backwards. Again, NO NO NO AND NO. I have a bad feeling that if this goes through the community will lose many productive residents, good neighbor’s and more than that it’s very soul.

  6. Victory Resident

    NO. I know exactly why they are doing this and it should be plain as day for everyone to see… Money and a guarantee for the corrupt politicians to stay in power by shoving as many tax payers in their district or zone, to pay for and guarantee“benefits” to a voting base.

  7. Shannon Paige

    No multi level condo’s or apartments in our neighborhood. Keep the existing feel and design. The loss of the dog park would hurt the value of the neighborhood. This is a valued amenity to our residents and putting in industrial or commercial building would just become a stain on a neighborhood that is in need of unity not more transient situations. Try turning over some of the vacant/ delapitated buildings into useable/liveable space. Not creating more buildings to be become eyesores in 5-10 years.

  8. Jennifer and Keith Bryant

    No! No! No! This will be a detriment to those of us who live here. We have lived in this area for 22 years and the quietness of the neighborhood is part of the attraction to stay. Changing theses zones will cause more traffic, more people and more possibility of issues in this neighborhood! What is the reason for this? There have been several accidents on osseo road at the parkway and increasing traffic here will not improve this. The zoning by Ryan lake with a dead street is inviting problems in North Minneapolis and Robbinsdale. Does not seem to be a smart idea for the neighborhood or the city!

  9. No to this plan, especially three and four story buildings facing Victory Memorial Parkway. That would totally ruin the whole idea of the parkway. Also, single family homes are most appropriate for the entire area, including Penn Avenue and the Ryan Lake area.
    This is not a good plan for North Minneapolis!

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