Stick around Victory for Staycation Weekend. Join your neighbors & enjoy free events all weekend long. 
Victory Rocks
Friday, August 3, 6-10 PM
Victory Park, 4414 Upton Avenue
Live music featuring opening acts from the neighborhood and headliner,
Papa Roof & the Soul Villains.
6 PM- Subject to Change
6:45 PM- John Lampson
7:15 PM- Lapdog
8 PM- Papa Roof & the Soul Villains
Dog Day of Summer
Cancelled due to weather
Family Game & Movie Night
Cancelled due to weather
An Afternoon in the Garden
Sunday, August 5, Noon- 3 PM
Loring Community School, 2600 44th Avenue
Spend time learning and lounging in the Loring Schoolyard Gardens. There will be refreshments, music, tours of the gardens, an Ask-the-Master-Gardener booth, gardening workshops, and a Make-Your-Own-Bee-House activity.
Staycation Weekend is made possible by the Victory Neighborhood Association and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Email ViNA to sign up for a volunteer shift.
All events are subject to weather conditions. Check this page for event updates based on weather.