Victory Neighborhood Association is encouraging residents to hold an equitable an inclusive community engagement event in August as a way to build community on your block which may or may not be recognized as National Night Out event. If you are interested in hosting an event, we encourage you to share your event with ViNA, so we can create a map of community events to share. If you are interested in hosting an event but are in need of some assistance in putting one together, reach out to us so we can assist you at
August 2nd is National Night Out. National Night Out is a annual event where residents can come together to build relationships, have fun and get outside with one another, visit with friends, meet new ones and partner with local police. If you would like to register your National Night Out event and or have your street blocked off so you can hold your event safely in the street, National Night Out permit requests and event proposals must be submitted to the city of Minneapolis by July 19th. To obtain an application, residents can utilize the city of Minneapolis website or contact 311.