Annual Gathering & Dinner

7PM, Wed., September 25, 2019
Emily’s Eatery
2124 44th Avenue North

The Victory Neighborhood Association (ViNA) invites you to celebrate the year in community at our Annual Gathering & Dinner. We will reflect on the year behind us, toast outstanding volunteers, and elect new members to our board of directors. (Follow this link to learn more about joining the board ballot.)

Attendees will also vote on changes to ViNA’s bylaws. The current board of directors has proposed the following changes with the intention of modernizing and streamlining the requirements of board members:

Article VIII, Committees:

From: …Every Board member will serve on at least one committee.

To: …Board members serving their first term are required to join a committee (or other community working group with approval from the board of directors). Participating on a committee for board members in their second term or beyond is optional.

Article VI, E:  

From: The seat of any board member who is absent from three (3) consecutive regular Board of Directors meetings, or is absent from six (6) regular Board or general membership meetings within the twelve-month annual year, October 1 to September 30, shall automatically become vacant.

To: Board members absent for three consecutive board meetings will automatically forfeit their position. Board members are required to attend at least one board meeting per quarter in person, but can attend board meetings “virtually” up to two times per quarter. Board members not participating on a committee are required to attend at least five general membership neighborhood meetings per year (October 1-September 30) or will automatically forfeit their position.

We hope you can join us. The meeting is open to everyone and dinner is free. A vegan/gluten free option is available.

Space is limited. Click here to make a reservation for the dinner or join the waitlist.

****The Victory dinner will likely sell out. Please still join us for the Annual Meeting to elect new board directors and vote on bylaw changes.

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