44th & Penn: What Lies Ahead?

The 44th & Penn Avenue North Redevelopment Plan has been prepared by the City of Minneapolis to facilitate redevelopment of two commercial properties in Victory, through new construction of transit-oriented mixed-use commercial and multifamily housing development. These properties, located at 2139 and 2147 44th Avenue North, may be better known as the sites of Restoration Counseling and Community Services and Domino’s Pizza.

Domino’s relocated in early March.

44th & Penn has long been identified as an ‘underutilized’ intersection by both the City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County- meaning the node is not currently meeting its potential when it comes accommodating housing and commercial needs. With the addition of Bus Rapid Transit on Penn, Bus Rapid Transit coming to 44th Avenue, and a tight housing market, it is prudent to examine the development potential of 44th and Penn at this time.

ViNA, in partnership with the City of Minneapolis, is leading the conversation on what development at 44th and Penn could look like. The first step in this process is the City’s issuance of the Area Plan documenting its intent to purchase the properties for redevelopment. ViNA and City staff will collect feedback on this plan between now and May 15th when the City Council’s Economic Development and Regulatory Services Committee meets. On that date, the committee will hold a public hearing to solicit feedback and decide whether or not to approve the Area Plan.

If the plan is approved, City staff will move forward to acquire the properties. The purchases will only proceed if the owners voluntarily agree to sell their properties for fair market value.

RCCS will consolidate their operations at another site.

If the properties are acquired, ViNA and the City will work together to determine development opportunities that are best-suited for the sites and for the neighborhood. The properties are currently zoned C1, meaning they can accommodate housing, retail, and other commercial development. ViNA will distribute surveys and host listening sessions to learn what neighbors want for development at the sites. The process of acquiring the properties, selecting a developer, and breaking ground will likely take 18-24 months and ViNA is committed to ensuring the process is equitable and reflects the voices of residents.

An economic developer from the City of Minneapolis will present the Area Plan at ViNA’s April meeting. Neighbors interested in learning more are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts. The meeting is Wednesday, April 25, at 7pm at 4400 Osseo Road.

1 thought on “44th & Penn: What Lies Ahead?”

  1. I’m also curious about the Chiropractor across the street – that place has been vacant for a long time, but I know it’s not on the market.

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