Victory offers easy access to major thoroughfares, public transit options, and the scenic Grand Scenic Byway, ensuring residents can commute effortlessly to their destination.

Metro Transit D Line BRT bus at the Brooklyn Center Transit Center
"Metro D Line bus at BCTC" by Eóin, used under CC BY 4.0

Metro Transit Bus Lines

There are several Metro Transit bus lines that run through the Victory neighborhood.

  • C Line
  • D Line
  • Route 5
  • Metro Mobility
    Transportation service for certified riders who are unable to use regular fixed-route buses due to a disability or health condition

Find your next ride using the Metro Transit Trip Planner.

Victory Memorial Parkway
"Victory Memorial Parkway - South entrance" by Paul Rosemeyer, used under CC BY 4.0 / Cropped from original

Bike Paths and Trails

Minneapolis is continuously ranked as one of top best cities in America for biking. Within the Victory neighborhood, there are off-street bike paths running north/south and east/west on Victory Memorial Parkway; Low-stress bikeways running north/south on Queen Ave N; Connector bikeways running east/west on 42nd Ave N.

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