ViNA has been approved to participate in the City of Minneapolis Garden Lease Program, which creates another community engagement opportunity by building a community garden in Victory. 2023 will be our 4th growing season!

About the Community Garden

The ViNA Community Garden strives to provide space to build community, learn about gardening, improve our local ecosystem, and harvest food.

It is located in the northwest corner of the Victory Neighborhood at 47th and Vincent Avenue North.

The ViNA Community Garden is run & powered by volunteers, see below for opportunities to get involved!

Volunteers working in the Community Garden to clean and fill raised garden beds
A woman picking tomatoes

Apply for a raised bed to grow food for yourself

Suggested Annual donation of $25

  • 18 raised beds available, each about 4′ x 16′
  • Donation offsets the cost of water, maintenance, soil & tools
  • Priority is given to residents without land to plant & grow food (i.e. apartment residents, renters)
  • New to gardening? There are master gardeners & volunteers here to help!

Volunteer Opportunities

To express interest in these options or get more information, please complete the sign-up form or email

Work Day Events

Time Commitment:
1-2 hours per work day/event

Monthly events including a planting event in the spring, a harvest celebration in the fall, and other work days to prepare beds, spread wood chips, and small construction projects, etc.

Community Beds

Time Commitment:
1-2 hours per week

Several community beds have produce that is shared among the volunteers, neighbors, and/or donated to a local food bank. This involves planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting as the season progresses; working with other volunteers to share the responsibility.

Garden Committee

Time Commitment:
3-5 hours per month

There is a small group that helps organize the garden. We meet monthly, manage city permits, plan events, send out communication, and coordinate a vision for the garden. If you have ideas for events, garden-related knowledge you want to share with others, or experience with grants, let us know!

Upcoming Garden Committee Meetings

Sorry, we couldn't find any upcoming Victory Neighborhood Garden meetings or events.

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